Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sorry for my delay...

I have no good excuses for not posting in a few weeks. I have been doing other things and forgot about the blog. I was reminded by a few people (surprise! people read this besides you!) that I need to update the pics.

Here are a few from this weekend. Enjoy! She's doing great and sleeping in her own bed pretty much all night long! Praise the Lord!

By the way, Karen got out some of Shana's baby pictures and you could hardly tell which was Shana and which was Kealee. I gave her the chin dimple (it's called a "Denney dimple" in my family) and her love of watching college basketball on the TV but she gets her looks from her Mom...Praise the Lord again!


Tuesday, March 6, 2007


We caught her on video rolling over tonight. Click here and go in the Kealee folder to download the video.

Friday, March 2, 2007

crawling won't be long now....

First time we've seen her raise up like this from her tummy!

She was also visited by another admirer today - our friend Tanya Burton came by to see how cute she is...

Thanks Grandma!!

Kealee enjoyed her two days with Grandma French. Since our babysitter was out of town and we both had to work, Shana and I called on Grandma French to come and rescue us.

Here are some pictures - including Grandpa French who stayed late when dropping Grandma off and came early to pick her up to spend more time with Kealee.